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Current Skill & Strategy

*** All strategies mentioned are explained on the "Strategies" page, as well as others which may be demonstrated later on in the school year.***

February 2018
Students are presently examing fiction text and reviewing literary elements using a plot diagram.  Students will study apartheid by reading the Read 180 text "Long Journey to Justice."

January 2018

Students working with Mrs. Morrison experienced a co-taught lesson with Mrs. Buda, a Learning Coach with BCSD.  With grade level, non-fiction text, students practiced summarizing using the "Somebody Wanted But So Then" strategy.  Students also wrote traditional responses to demonstrate comprehension.  Finally, students examined the difference between these two writing structures and the times to apply them.

December 2017

Students practiced annotating non-fiction & fiction text.  In addition, students used the "Read Cover Remember Retell" with partners to develop increased recall.  Students also applied the "Focus to Focus" strategy to increase stamina.

November 2017
Students practiced various reading comprehension strategies to increase their awareness of how well they focus, think and recall text.  While reading about natural disasters, students used several strategies to monitor their comprehension.
 * Stop & Jot: students jot connections, unknown words or questions along side the test
 * Important or Interesting: students categorized text details by colored pencil or highlighter while reading text
 * Sticky Notes: application of the "stop & jot" for text/papers students are not permitted to mark on their own
 * Sheet Protector Notes: using a sheet protector, used dryer sheet and dry erase marker, students annonated text while reading; after removing the sheet from the text, students could check recall and/or study

October 2017
Students practiced strategies to assist them in better answer comprehension questions.  We examined the Question-Answer Relationship and practiced turning the question into an answer statement.  Students used Google Expedition with virtutal reality goggles to apply these strategies.

September 2017:
The first week of school brings a chance to learn about learning styles, preferences, and the students themselves!   To learn more about Mrs. Kissock and Mrs. Morrison, and see an example of the kinds of learning we'll do in RTI Literacy, watch this Video Sribe.