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Durgee's Plagiarism Policy
All Durgee students had a lesson in understanding plagiarism, as well as opportunities to practice the skills required to prevent plagiarism. A list of student expectations is below. As per the student handbook, the policy for the first plagiarism offense is a zero on the assignment. 
Durgee Plagiarism Expectations

* If students are completing an assignment designed to show their learning that incorporates outside information (formal essays, projects, posters, PowerPoints, etc.), they should follow the "plagiarism rules" discussed during the lesson. Assignments like taking notes during a lecture, answering questions out of a textbook, completing worksheets, defining words, etc., are exceptions. 
* Students are expected to use an in-text citation format to cite their sources. They are to either use parenthetical citations at the end of a sentence, or mention the author's last name in the sentence. Unless a teacher specifies, students are not expected to include page numbers when citing in text or submit a works cited page.
Here's how in-text citation should look:
Ex: According to Smith, many sharecroppers hoped to save enough money from selling their share of the crops to one day be able to buy a farm. 
Ex: Many sharecroppers hoped to save enough money from selling their share of the crops to one day be able to buy a farm (Smith). 
* Citations are necessary unless it's the student's original thoughts or the information is considered common knowledge
* In addition to citing the original source, students are expected to paraphrase(retain original's full meaning, but put into their own words), summarize (identify original's main idea, in their own words), or quote the original.