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Music and Performing Arts
Music Performance (9-12)
All major performance classes (Band, Chorus, and Orchestra) require attendance at scheduled lessons and rehearsals, as well as programs and performances.

Students who are taking a five-unit sequence in music must take Music Theory I and II to fulfill the requirements.
Orchestra : 5678 : 40 Weeks : 1 Credit
Membership is open to any regularly enrolled student subject to instructor’s approval. Orchestra work includes: weekly lessons, 5 rehearsals per week, and required performances. String Quartet and String Ensemble may be available.
Concert Band : 5679 : 40 Weeks : 1 Credit
Band work includes: instrumental group lesson, concert band, and required performance and non-performance evaluations. The concert band performs NYSSMA grade 3-5 literature. Opportunities are available for involvement in select ensemble groups such as Jazz Ensemble and chamber music ensembles. Five rehearsal sessions plus one instructional session per week. Additional involvement to include small ensemble and solo studies and related performing experiences.
Wind Ensemble : 5682 : 40 Weeks : 1 Credit
Band work includes: instrumental group lesson, concerts, and required performance and non-performance evaluations. The wind ensemble performs NYSSMA grade 4-6 literature. Opportunities are available for involvement in select ensemble groups such as Jazz Ensemble and chamber music ensembles. Five rehearsal sessions plus one instructional session per week. Additional involvement to include small ensemble and solo studies, and related performing experiences.
Concert Choir : 5677 : 40 Weeks : 1 Credit
As incoming sophomores, you can look forward to a Concert Choir of 100 mixed voices in September. The group performs at least four times during the year. Music selections throughout the year consist of all styles from the classics to pop. One year of this course will fulfill the New York State Regents Music/Art Requirement for graduation. No audition is necessary for this choir made up of students in grade 10-12.
Chamber Choir : 5674 : 40 Weeks : 1 Credit
This upper level choral ensemble of 11th and 12th graders is selected by the audition process each year. The group performs at least four times during the year. Music selections throughout the year consist of all styles from the classics to pop. One year of this course will fulfill the New York State Regents Music/Art Requirement for graduation.
Comprehensive Musicianship I (Music Theory I) : 5221 : 40 Weeks : 1 Credit
Guitar players, drummers and music majors learn to read and write music. This course will introduce you to the basic skills needed to read and write music. A brief survey of music history and sight-reading is included. This course fulfills the New York State Regents requirement for art and music.
Comprehensive Musicianship II (Music Theory II) : 5321 : 40 Weeks : 1 Credit
A continuation of CM-IR with greater emphasis on writing music. This course is a must if you intend to pursue a career in music at the college level. You must complete CM-IR in order to take this course. Keyboard skills are also included in this course. You will learn how to play chords, scales, melodies, etc.
Comprehensive Musicianship III (Music Theory III) : 5421 : 40 Weeks : 1 Credit
If you enjoy writing music this is the course to take after completing CM-IIR. You will study major compositions and forms of music and then write your own music in the styles you studied. All work is completed on the computer. Students also practice conducting, score analysis, arranging and basic guitar and keyboarding.

Practical Musicianship: 5550 : 20 Weeks : 1/2 Credit
Practical Musicianship will offer students the opportunity to explore and enhance their music abilities through learning the basics of keyboarding and/or guitar. Students may choose to play guitar, keyboard, or both throughout the semester. Students choose their own project songs to work on (anything pop, rock, country, hip hop etc.). This 20-week course is designed for students who are interested in participated in music, but not the traditional ensembles currently offered. Reading music will be optional, as students will also learn to play off of lead sheets and by ear. This course is offered only at Durgee Junior High.

Introduction to Guitar : 5690 : 20 Weeks : .5 Credit
Introduction to Guitar offers students the opportunity to explore and enhance their music abilities through learning the basics of acoustic guitar performance. Students will learn to accompany simple Folk and Popular songs. In the second semester, students will choose their own project songs to rehearse and perform during in-class recitals. This 40-week course is designed for students who are interested in participating in making music, but do not have a voice in the traditional ensemble offerings.

HONORS : 40 Weeks : 1 Credit  Band (5680), Chorus (5676), Orchestra (5681), Wind Ensemble (5689)
The purpose of this course is to encourage students to achieve a higher level of performance and musical understanding. This will be an extension of the regular ensemble classes, rather than a separate class. There will be additional responsibilities/requirements in order to earn Honors credit.

Preforming Arts : 0596: 40 Weeks : 1 Credit
Students enrolled in this full year course will explore Theater Arts with a wide lens. Students will study the history and background of theater (theater history and script analysis) as well performance techniques (scene study, song study and dance). In addition students will have the opportunity to learn an overview of design aspects and techniques such as hair/ makeup, costumes, lighting and sound and scenic design. At the culmination of the course students will have a book of performance repertoire (both monologues and songs) as well as a basic portfolio showing evidence of general knowledge in the area of technical theater/design.

Technical Theater I & II : 5693 : 40 Weeks : 1 Credit
Students enrolled in this full year course will explore Theater Arts with a concentration on all technical elements that occur behind the scenes of a theatrical production. Students will study the artistry of set/ scenic design, lighting design, and sound design, costume design, makeup design, wig mastery, and properties development/ management, all from a dramaturgical and historical perspective. At the culmination of the course students will have a portfolio showing evidence of proficiency in theories of theater design.