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District News - April 12, 2019

Bee Informed Baldwinsville Central School District's e-Newsletter

April 12, 2019

Baldwinsville Athletes Sign Letters of Intent

The Baldwinsville Central School District held a National Letter of Intent signing day for its senior athletes on Wednesday, April 10. Students signed their letters at a ceremony in the company of parents, coaches, family members, administrators, teachers and friends in the Baker High School auditorium. READ MORE

Baker Chamber Choir Brings Home Gold

Baker High School’s Chamber Choir has achieved the highest rating a group can receive from the New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA). The choir, directed by teacher Colin Keating, was awarded a Gold with Distinction rating at the NYSSMA Major Ensembles Festival, held April 8, 2019 at Fabius Pompey High School. READ MORE

Saftey and Security Project Update

In May 2018, voters approved the district’s Safety and Security Capital Project, which involves multiple improvements in all of our schools. Click HERE to read an update of the project.

Board of Education Update

April 8, 2019

The Board of Education started the meeting with the Board Spotlight and honored two students who coordinated the Baker Culture Festival and Baker students who won awards in the Northeast Region of the 2019 Scholastic Writing Awards competition.

The Board approved the consent agenda, then McNamara Elementary School staff and Durgee Jr. High School staff presented updates on their stratetic action plans.

The Board reviewed policies in the 3000, 5000, 6000, 7000, and 8000 series followed by a first reading for two requests for textbook adoptions.

The Board accepted donations from Agrana Fruit, the Elden Elementary School PTA, and the Ray Middle School PTA. The Board approved three trip requests, an additional credit card for the Extra Classroom Activities account, and the disposal of surplus instructional materials from Baker High School and Reynolds and Elden elementary schools. The Board also adopted the 2019-2020 General Fund Budget and Property Tax Report Card. 


Upcoming Events

April 12, 2019

*Report Cards in Parent Portal

April 15-19
NO SCHOOL - Spring Break

April 22, 2019
School Resumes

School will be in session for all students in grades K-12  in order to meet the required 180 days for student attendance.

For more events and activities, visit the online calendar.

PTAs & PTSAs Presenting Free Movie on the Effects of Screen Time - April 30

On April 30, the district's PTAs and PTSAs are co-sponsoring a free viewing of the movie "Screenagers" for the community at 7 p.m. in the Baker High School auditorium.

This is a powerful hour-long movie about teenagers and the effects of "screen" time (social media, video games, etc.) on their development and how adults can empower kids to best navigate the digital world and find balance. You can watch the movie trailer at:

Baldwinsville Central School District | 29 East Oneida Street | Baldwinsville, NY 13027 | 315.638.6043