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Baker High School class produces future firefighters

C.W. Baker High School students recently dressed in full firefighter turnout gear and received forcible entry training at the Baldwinsville Fire Department.

The five students -- Josh Tapia, Michael Cerone, Chris Tapia, Jackson Orlando and Robert Thompson – are part of Fire & EMS class this semester. The class has been going strong for about 12 years ago and produces future firefighters and first responders.

Instructor Paul Becker said he is particularly impressed by the students in the class this semester.

“They are very motivated and they take
initiative,” Becker said. “I think they all will make great firefighters.”

The class visited the Onondaga County 9-1-1 Center Friday and received forcible entry training from instructors at Baldwinsville Fire Department. Baker’s Science teacher Kevin Berler is an instructor in the class and a volunteer firefighter. Berler and Firefighter Casey Ravas, a Baker alumni, demonstrated different techniques to gain entry in an emergency situations. Students were able to tryout the techniques during the hands-on training session.

“They are doing a great job,” Becker said.