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Funding the Future Phase I Implementation

In the fall of 2018, the District embarked on a transparent and collaborative process with SES Study Team, LLC and community representatives to analyze and discuss District data, as well as to use the data to identify options that the District might use to determine its short- and long-term planning and funding for programs and facilities, as they relate to the program vision of the Baldwinsville Central School District. (Click HERE for details about the program vision.) We called this process Funding the Future. Further information regarding the process can be found here

In October 2019, the Findings of the Delivery Study options were presented after working with the Community Advisory Committee, which was composed of 38 committee members. The findings were presented to the District administration who started reviewing the data just prior to the pandemic in the spring of 2020. The District shifted to deal with the pandemic and is now actively engaged in moving the work of the committee forward. 

The first phase of this multi-year plan involves shifting 5th grade to Ray Middle School and 7th grade to Durgee Junior High School. In order for this to occur, we need to create additional space at Durgee Junior High School. This will allow us to have a “true” junior high school, as well as a “true” middle school. The recommendation for this shift was based on the committee's work and commitment to create seamless and meaningful grade-level transitions for our students.  

The Board of Education Facilities Committee, and District leadership feel that it is now time to begin planning for this addition. Based on the amount of work that was already completed, we are in a great place to move forward with our goal of a Capital Project vote, which will be presented to the community in the spring of 2022.