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Elden Character Education

December's trait is Citizenship

What does citizenship mean?
  1. Being responsible and respectful to people, animals and the environment
  2. Caring about your community and country.
  3. Being informed about your school and community.
  4. Doing your best to make home, school, and community a better place.
What are ways to show good citizenship?
  1. Follow the rules and obey laws at school, home and in your community.
  2. Respect teachers, adults and authority.
  3. Participate in activities to improve your school and community like pick up litter, recycle, and plant trees and flowers.
  4. Volunteer to help others.
  5. Help someone in need.
  6. Use kind words and good manners.
Why is citizenship important?
  1. We need good citizens to make our school and community a better place for everyone.
  2. It is our duty as an American citizen to do our part.
These books are available in the Elden Library and the Baldwinsville Public Library for you to read and enjoy with your child!