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Funding the Future

Funding the Future

Identifying Opportunities for the Delivery of Programs and Services in the Baldwinsville Central School District

What is Funding the Future?
In the fall of 2018, the district embarked on a transparent and collaborative process with SES Study Team, LLC and community representatives to analyze and discuss district data, as well as to use the data to identify options that the district might use to determine its short and long term planning and funding for programs and facilities, as they relate to the program vision of the Baldwinsville Central School District. (Click HERE for details about the program vision.) We call this process Funding the Future.
Who are the community representatives?
The district’s first step in this process was to establish a community advisory group that represents a cross-section of all of the residents, taxpayers, and stakeholders of the Baldwinsville Central School District. The Board of Education identified a diverse group of community members to create the 38-member Funding the Future Community Advisory Committee. All members of the group live in the district and have a vested interest in our schools and how programs and services are delivered to our students.
Members are: parents; residents without children; empty-nesters; Baldwinsville retirees; employees; students; representatives from local businesses; and local political leaders. No current Board of Education members or district central administrators are members of the focus group. Click HERE to view the list of group members.
Who is SES Study Team, LLC?
The advisory group is acting as a steering committee to assist SES Study Team, LLC and Dr. Paul Seversky, principal partner. Dr. Seversky is a retired superintendent, and he and his team have acted as consultants to assist over 25 school districts in conducting similar analyses of their districts. With the aid and input of the advisory committee, he and his team will prepare three studies: an enrollment projection study; a pupil capacity analysis; and a program implementation study.
What is the Community Advisory Committee’s Main Objective?
The Community Advisory Committee’s main objective is to provide Dr. Seversky and his team with perceptions, insights, and perspectives on district data that includes information on student population projections, the housing market, grade level school building configurations, instructional and instructional support spaces in our buildings, and the physical condition of our current buildings.
The group’s input will aid Dr. Seversky and his team in preparing a set of options regarding the district’s facilities, the organization of the district, and the implementation of district programs in order to answer the question, “Are there options that might provide effective ways or patterns to organize how the K-12 program is implemented/delivered over the next several years?”
We expect these options to be ready to present to the Board of Education for its review by June 2019. A set of options that have been developed with community input will enable the Board to make informed decisions on how to best serve our students in the near and long term future.
The advisory committee is meeting periodically with Dr. Seversky. You can review the agendas from past meetings by clicking on the links provided in the Links section at the bottom of this page. As the committee meets, agendas will be added to the page.
In June 2019, the district plans to hold a community meeting to present the findings of the Funding the Future Community Advisory Committee and Dr. Seversky and his team. Once a date has been set, we will announce it on this website and through the district’s other forms of communications.