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McNamara Elementary students, staff choose kindness

McNamara Elementary School held a Positivity Project assembly this morning to talk about the character strength of kindness.

The assembly featured special guest "Professor Kindness" played by Jeffrey Seltzer, social worker. An unruly, unkind guest, played by Principal Jennifer Homeyer showed up and interrupted the assembly. But Professor Kindness showed the guest kindness and invited her to join in on a special experiment.

Professor Kindness invited teachers to the front of the room to take part in the experiment. He asked them to squeeze out all of the toothpaste from a tube. Then he asked them all to put the toothpaste back in the tube.

It was hard.
It was messy.
It was impossible.

Professor Kindness explained that when we say or do unkind things it’s hard to take those things back, just like it’s hard to put toothpaste back into its tube. He says that we should all choose kindness.