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Reminder for remote learners: Meal pickup available

Meals are available for pickup of remote learners. 

Meals will be available from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 4, Nov. 13, Nov. 23, Dec. 4, Dec. 14 and Dec. 22 for the Buzz cohort students at Baker High School. 
Meals will be available from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 9, Nov. 18, Dec. 1, Dec. 9 and Dec. 17 for the Hive cohort students at Baker High School. 
Fully remote families can pick up on each of the above dates.

Here's a look at our FAQs: 

Q. Will meals be available for my student when our cohort is learning remotely?
A. Yes. Families will pick up meals for their enrolled students on the last day of in-school instruction. Pickup sites will be located at Baker High School from 4 until 5:30 p.m. on those days. (Please note: Pickup will no longer be provided at Ray Middle School)
Q. My student is learning 100% remotely. Can we receive meals?
A. Yes. Meals will be distributed to those students on the last day of in-school instruction for each cohort at the distribution sites at Baker High School from 4 until 5:30 p.m.
Q. March through June we received meals at no charge even though we were not qualified as Free or Reduced. Will our students’ meals be free again when school starts?
A. Yes. The SED approved USDA waivers that allows us to serve meals at no cost to all enrolled students through December 31, 2020.
Q. Are meals available for all of our kids even though they are not yet school age?
A. No. USDA only allows enrolled Baldwinsville CSD students to participate in the meal programs.
Q. Can we purchase meals for our student while he is learning remotely?
A. All students that need a meal can receive it for no cost!
Q. How many meals will be distributed for each student?
A. Each pickup site will supply 3 breakfast and 3 lunches for each enrolled student to cover their three remote learning days.
Q. Is it too late to fill out a Free and Reduced Meal Income Application?
A. No. Free and Reduced Applications may be filled out any time. Applications are available on the website. You can contact the Food Service office at 315-638-6063 or with questions.