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Our Mission

Foster an environment to educate and empower all students today to become global citizens of tomorrow.


Our Vision

The Baldwinsville community is committed to providing equitable and diverse learning experiences that educate and empower students, allowing each individual to thrive.



In the 2023-2024 School Year, Baldwinsville earned 7 team Section III titles and 21 individual Section III titles. Go Bees!


Fine Arts

Our Baldwinsville Theater Arts Program students present two musicals and a play for the community to enjoy!


Bees Bands

Our award-winning Bees Bands program includes our Marching Band, Pep Band and Drumline.

ATTENTION: We are excited to launch this new website, but it is still a work in progress. Thank you for your patience.
If you have any questions or have trouble finding what you need, please email

Back-to-School Quick Reference Guide

The 2024-2025 school year starts on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. Below is your complete Back-to-School Quick Reference Guide. 

  • Welcome to our new website. We launched the ParentSquare communication system at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year and we teamed up with the company's website service, SmartSites, to update and upgrade our website. SmartSites interacts with ParentSquare to enhance communication between the district and our families. Our goal with this redesign was to create an easy to navigate website with organized resources and important, up-to-date information. We are continuing to make updates and additions to the website. Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions, please email

  • Beginning on Friday, August 23, 2024visit the Parent Portal for class lists, schedules and teacher assignments. If you have trouble accessing your account, contact your child's school. Your child's school can also update your contact information. We use your contact information on file to deliver important updates and emergency closure information, so it is important to make sure your school has your updated contact information. 

    Parent Portal User Guide

  • Bus route information will also be available on Friday, August 23, 2024. For more information or contact information, visit the Transportation Department's webpage.

    Important Transportation forms include the 
    Authorization to Release formJoint/Shared Custody Transportation Request formDaycare/Sitter Transportation form and more.

    My Ride K-12 App
    We are happy to announce that our Transportation Department will be using the My Ride K-12 App beginning on the first day of school. The My Ride App replaces Versatrans My Stop App. With the My Ride App, parents and students can access their bus stop location, route, and pick up time. The app uses vehicle GPS geolocation to show bus arrivals each day. The My Ride K-12 App is available on a computer or on a smart phone. Instructions on how to use the program can be found here. You will need your child’s student ID when registering. Your child’s student ID can be found in SchoolTool. If you have any questions about the app, please call the Transportation Department at 315-638-6097.

  • If you DO NOT WANT your child’s image to be taken and used by the district or local media during the current school year, please fill out this opt-out form and return to Public Information Specialist Sarah Buckshot, Baldwinsville Central School District Office, 29 East Oneida Street, Baldwinsville, NY 13027. Please be sure to include each child’s name and the school that he/she attends. THIS REQUEST MUST BE MADE EVERY YEAR. 

    No Image Request Form

     The form is also found in the August Hive, which will be arriving to families later this month, and an electronic form will be shared via ParentSquare. 

  • All students enrolled at Baldwinsville Central School District are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to your household each day of the 2024-2025 school year. No further action is required of you. Your child(ren) will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay a fee or submit an application.

    The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program is what allows all students to obtain a free breakfast and lunch. To continue to have access to these programs we need to meet certain criteria. Part of the criteria is related to our free and reduced breakfast/lunch number. Please fill out the Household Income Eligibility Form to ensure we have all the data we need to continue the resources. This form is to determine eligibility for additional State and federal program benefits that your child(ren) may qualify for. 

    September 2024 Menus:

    Pre-K lunch menu
    Elementary lunch menu
    Ray lunch menu
    Durgee lunch menu
    Baker lunch menu
    Breakfast menu 
    Breakfast & Lunch Prices 2024-2025: (Price for second meals/milk)

    Breakfast (All Schools)- $2.80
    Lunch (All Schools) - $3.80
    Milk - $0.85


    The District is encouraging families to utilize MySchoolBucks account to pay for school meals.
    Sign up for your MySchoolBucks account in 3 steps:
    1) Go to the
    MySchool Bucks website at
    2) Create your account (You will need your child’s nine-digit student ID number)
    3) Pay with your credit/debit card

  • The District, principals and teachers use ParentSquare to communicate with parents. Make sure to register your account and download the app on your mobile device or computer. 

    Check our 
    website for updates and follow us on FacebookX (Twitter) and Instagram

    Check out the
    online version of the back to school edition of the Hive, which will be delivered to families later this month.

About Us

The Baldwinsville Central School District is committed to providing equitable and diverse learning experiences that educate and empower students, allowing each individual to thrive.



Two students sit in the middle of multiple students wearing wacky socks.

Culture and Climate

We believe everyone thrives in a vibrant, healthy, safe, enriching, and respectful learning environment in which we recognize that words and actions matter. 

Two students work on a robot

Approach to Instruction and Learning

We believe a successful education system comprised of effective educators develops students who are effective communicators; collaborators; creative critical thinkers; global and ethical citizens; and goal-directed, resilient learner.

Two student measure cinnamon.

Individual Student Needs

We believe a well-rounded education enables students to lead productive, fulfilling, creative, and culturally rich lives.

Follow Us

  • Student holding diploma
  • Five students in prom gowns
  • Student holding sign on basketball court
  • student in a wheelchair at a desk in the classroom
  • Two boys lacrosse players
  • Police officer watching student off bus