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Las Clases de Espanol de la Senora Blasczienski

June 8th-today in class students completed the final exam for Spanish.  The last leg today was the reading and grammar part.  On Monday students will be able to use stamps and sign year books in class.
June 6th-Today in class students took the writing portion of the final.  Tomorrow is the listening part.  Students that want to review should look over vocabulary from the unit packets we did this year.  
June 5th-today in class students did some practice listening questions so they know what to expect on Thursday for that portion of the test.  Please come in tomorrow prepared for the writing portion of the exam.  You should be able to write out the verb endings you will be using, 8 verbs that yo can use on the writing piece (general ones) and the smaller connector words like, de-of or from, a, to or at, con-with etc. 

June 4th-today we worked on coming in prepared for the writing portion of the final.  Students decided which writing piece they most likely would complete and hopefully are preparing for it! writing-Wed       listening -Thurs      reading and grammar Friday

June 1-students took the verb test in class.  They worked on the review sheet for the final exam on Wednesday-Friday next week.  Review sheet is due Monday.
May 31-In class today we went over the answers to the practice verb test.  The verb test will be tomorrow in class. Students read an article in Spanish on the internet in Cuba and students received a review sheet for the final exam.  Review sheet is due Monday!
May 30th-students took their final vocabulary quiz in Spanish 2 on profesions.  For the rest of the period they worked on a practice verb test.  Hw is to finish the practice test.  
May 29th-students took the "ir" quiz and got 5 bonus points for having the 5x each complete.  Tomorrow's vocabulary quiz is on page 5 specifically and page 1 and 2 in general.  Page 6 and 7 answers were shared in class and a stamp was given for those who had it done.    
May 24-students got another paper so they can practice the verb "ir" for Tuesday's quiz.  We practiced profession vocabulary with pictures.  Quiz on page 1 and 2 vocabulary Wednesday. 1/2 day wellness tomorrow!  Can't wait to have fun with the students!!!
May 23-Students got a stamp for pages 19 and 20.  Hw for tonight is to complete the 5x each paper on "ir".  Quiz is Tuesday on "ir" not tomorrow.  Students continued to watch the movie and present speaking tasks.  
May 22-Today many students presented their speaking situations for their test.  We went over the hw on page 5 and hw for tonight is page 19 and 20.  
May 17th-today students were given time to work on their final exam speaking situations in class and get help.  Students also took notes on the irregular verb "ir".  "Ir" will be the verb quizzed next week on Thursday.  
May 16th-students took the city and country test.  If they get a chance tonight to complete scenario #3 for the final exam speaking test that would be helpful. 
May 15th-we went over the first speaking situation for the final exam.  Students could ask questions and get help.  Students should complete the second one tonight on a trip they would or will take.  Tomorrow is the test on the city/country unit.  Students received a review sheet to complete that is worth 5 pts. on the test. 
May 14th-students received the 4 final exam speaking scenarios.  They are preparing for h.w. the first one tonight.  They will present on Monday May 21st or 22nd.  In class they read an article on black bears and answered questions.  The last unit exam is Wednesday on the city/ country unit.