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Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon visits Reynolds Elementary School

Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon speaks to Reynolds students.
It will be seven or eight years before Reynolds fifth graders will be able to vote, but on Tuesday they got the opportunity to interview Onondaga County’s top official.

Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon visited the elementary school to talk about government and civic participation. Kathryn Martin, a fifth grade teacher, arranged the assembly.

More than a dozen students had prepared questions for McMahon. Martin said the students came up with the questions on their own. The questions touched on topics about county services, laws, taxes and more.

McMahon told the students that the best thing they can do to support him is to be involved in their local government.

“I need engaged citizens,” he said.

McMahon, who won the election in November, was asked if he would run for reelection.

Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon.
“I think so,” he said. “Today, I certainly would like to.”

McMahon didn’t just talk about government, he also answered questions about his favorite football team – the Green Bay Packers – and his favorite food – pizza.

He told the students that his job comes with a lot of stress, but it comes with a lot of gratification too.

“To be at the office dealing with big people problems all day and come out here and take your questions, that’s a lot of fun,” he told the students. “I’m very gratified that I have that opportunity.”

McMahon said he thought the students’ questions were thoughtful and meaningful.

“They did a great job,” he said.

After his visit, McMahon wrote on Twitter: “Our children are our greatest asset and the students at Reynolds Elementary School are proof positive that our future is bright.”

Watch a video from the assembly: