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Taking Care of Your Mental Health During Adversity

By Karrie LaMacchia
Director of Pupil & Personnel Services

We are all creatures of habit and routine. These things comfort us and keep us feeling safe and secure. During times of uncertainty and difficulty it is normal to feel a sense of anxiety, helplessness, fear, stress and confusion. You may also feel depressed and/or angry and unmotivated at times.  These are all normal reactions to experiencing things that are beyond our control on top of taking in conflicting information around us that seems to change by the minute. Some of us already struggle with mental health and wellness, for those that do these feelings may be more severe and debilitating. It is more important than ever that we take of ourselves and each other. 

It is easier said than done but try to focus on and control what you can control. Turn off the media and news if you find it is making things more difficult for you. If you are in a stressful situation take a walk and call someone you can talk to. Remind yourself to stay in the present and stay positive. Reach out to those who can help, whether that be a friend, coworker, neighbor, support staff at your school or child’s school or a crisis help line. You are not alone. We are all in this together. Utilize the resources around you. 

What can we do for each other? Be kind on social media. It is more important than ever that we are kind to each other and show care and support to everyone around us. You never know what someone has been through or what they are experiencing.  Parents remember these are unprecedented times.  Your children are likely experiencing stress and anxiety, social media has been shown to increase these feelings for teens. It is more important than ever that you monitor their time on a device and use of social media. Consider limiting their time on these sites. You might consider taking all devices away in the evening so that your child stays in a routine and gets some well needed sleep. 

If you notice a concerning statement or comment from a friend or acquaintance on social media get help immediately. 

Help is always available. If you are feeling alone or struggling reach out: 


Risk factors and Warning Signs
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK
Help Lines
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
211 CNY Information and Referral
Social Media What Parents Should Know
Parent Guide to Social Media Use in Children