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Survey about potential Snow Days

Update: The survey is now closed.

Last year, the New York State Education Department provided school districts with the flexibility to switch to remote instruction when experiencing inclement weather, instead of using an emergency closing day. In our area, these days are unofficially referred to as "snow days," but inclement weather days could be any day in which weather causes unsafe conditions.
The district is required to have 180 instructional days, which remote instruction days count toward. If too many emergency closing days are used, the flex day (in May), vacation days, and/or days at the end of June may result in extending in-person instructional days to meet the 180 instructional day requirement.
As the winter months approach, we are asking you to respond to a brief survey to indicate your preference of how the district might respond to inclement weather days during the 2021-2022 school year. CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE SURVEY